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Dynamic Change North Carolina Chapel Hill NC Life Leadership Team Coaching Traing Executive Development Corporate Training
  • "The spirit of evil is in the negation of the life force by fear. Only boldness can overcome that fear. If the risk is not taken, the meaning of life is violated."
    — C.G. Jung
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North Carolina Life Coaching, Life Coaching Chapel Hill NC, North Carolina Leadership Team Coaching, Chapel Hill NC Leadership Team Coaching, Team Development Programs, Dream Coaching

Proven Virtual and In-person training and customized coaching for individuals, teams and workgroups

Dream Work in Coaching

Dreams go beyond a superficial assessment of client concerns and allow for a deeper and more meaningful inquiry. Carl Jung discovered that "in sleep we awaken to who we are." He found that we dream our questions, our difficulties and that dreams will tell us what we need to know but don't in our waking life.

Dream work in coaching offers an opportunity to invoke an inquiry for greater understanding, awareness and clarity of the important issues in a clients waking life. Dream work can help clients discover for themselves new thoughts, perspectives, beliefs & emotions that strengthen their ability to take action and achieve what is truly important to them.

I attended Peter Metzner's workshop on Dream Work in Coaching at the ICF Global 2014 North America Midwest Conference in Cleveland, OH. The workshop was filled to capacity with participants eager to explore dreams and their meaning. Peter engaged us early by asking what the we wanted from the workshop and within a few minutes several flip charts were filled. After sharing basic information about dreams, Peter created a safe environment and guided the group through a process that had us exploring individuals' dreams. It was amazing that within a few minutes we were sharing ideas that helped individuals bring meaning to the message in their dreams to help them deal with life's issues. It was powerful to experience the transformation. I am eager to learn more about dreams to unleash my own potential and that of my clients. - Karen Tiller, PCC

Peter Metzner, MA, MPA, PCC, BCC

Peter is president of Dynamic Change, Inc., incorporating dream work in life and leadership coaching and teaching Psychology at Vance-Granville Community College. He facilitates classes on the use of dream work in the coaching process for Institute of Life Coach Training, where he completed his coaching training, as well as numerous workshops on dreams at Elon University, William Peace University, The National Wellness Institute and the Center for Creative Leadership.

Read more "Dreams - Our Own Internal Consultants" by Peter Metzner, Business Leader, March 2002

Dynamic Change Inc. is the first organization to offer dream work & creativity in coaching, classes or speaking engagements as a means to realize, engage and tap into the "whole mind". That's because of our extensive training and experience in using dreams for growth and development.

Introductory presentations and workshops on understanding and using dreams are designed to foster and facilitate greater self awareness, personal and professional development. Experiential exercises help participants integrate new insights in a supportive environment.

Contact us to schedule a presentation or workshop.

"Dreams and the images in dreams bring an energy that has transformational potential. Our capacity for self dececption is truly monumental."

Yorum Kaufman

"Today the defining skills of the previous era - the "left brain" capabilities that powered the Information Age - are necessary but no longer sufficient. And the capabilities we once disdained or thought frivolous -the "right brain" qualities of inventiveness, empathy, joyfulness and meaning -increasingly will determine who flourishes and who flounders. For individuals, families and organizations, professional success and personal fulfillment now require a whole new mind."

Daniel Pink from: A Whole New Mind

"All Dreams speak a universal language and come in the service of health and wholeness."
"All dreams break new ground and invite you to new understanding and insight."
"Even frightening dreams or nightmares may come to us in a negative form to grab our attention."

Jeremy Taylor

"Each Dream comes with multiple meanings and layers of significance"

Maria Louise von Franz

We will never dream anything that is not useful or needed"

Robert Johnson

Dreams can assist the coaching process by helping clarify what coaching needs to focus on. They offer a tremendous opportunity for self awareness, growth, insight, creativity and innovation.

Peter Metzner

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